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} Instructions A5

Use with GLAP Part # 2085, 2086, 2058 or 2059

Frameless Vent Style
Pilot and Door window
Installation instructions

This File as PDF:
25 KB
STC Information
Materials Needed List
Installation Procedure
Other Pages:
Go to: Glues, Adhesives & Sealants Page
Go to: Trimming Instructions

STC Number: Model Numbers
STC # SA731GL PA-23-250 ( 6 Place)
STC # SA270GL  PA-24
STC # SA271GL PA-30
  1. Remove the upholstery ( asrequired ) and the window retaining strips.
  2. Remove old window ( and vent ) assembly.
  3. Clean old sealant from opening.
  4. Straighten and repair any damaged sheet metal ( as required ).
  5. Apply sealant to opening (dichromate putty or RTV 100% silicone rubber ) or vinyl foam seal tapeto window.
  6. Install window and retainingstrips
  7. Reinstall upholstery ( asrequired ).
  8. Clean up sealant - use VM&P naptha or lighter fluid to clean RTV before it sets. 

For instructions dealing with drilling holes inacrylic see Drilling and trimming instructions.

NOTE:  On some models the windows may need to be trimmed and havethe edges chamfered to fit easily.  Carefully chamfer with a fileor sander ( as required ) 

See Drilling and Trimming instructions for more information



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